BPTC Campus

BPTC Campus:

The school under the launched policy framework and strategy on reorganization of National Police Service was renamed as NPS Border Training Campus. The campus have expanded mandate  of training  all specialized Units ( CIPU,RDU,ASTU) which fall under the Administration Police Service mandate of protective and border security.

Vision Statement

To be a Regional Centre of excellence in training border and protective security.

Mission Statement.

To train staff to the highest standards of competence through denial and disruption of cross border and related crimes for a safe and secure society”.

BPTC Core Values

  • Partnership                                                  
  • Accountability
  • Excellence                                                   
  • Responsiveness
  • Professionalism
  • Honesty and Integrity


“Train hard fight easy”.


Mandates Of Border Police Training Campus

Chapter 11 of the Service Standing Orders stipulates that the mandate of the Border Police Training Campus shall be to;

(a)    Train national, regional and international police officers on border security operations and law enforcement and specialized skills;

(b)    Train national, regional and international border law enforcement officers;

(c)     Train police officers on peace support and conflict management;

(d)    Offer basic border security courses to other support security agencies; Border Patrol

Strategic Goals

  1. Train officers to highest standard of competency on border and specialized skill.
  2. Upgrade the institution to a regional centre of excellence in counter terrorism.
  3. Train officers on protection of Government critical installation.
  4. To build the capacity of the institution to offer excellent training.
  5. Train officers on peace support and conflict.
  6. Leverage on technology, innovation and creativity in training.

Strategic Objectives

  • To enhance logistical and operational capacity.
  • To improve staff welfare, relation and development for increased productivity.
  • To build capacity to combat high impact and emerging crimes
  • To Enhance Resource Mobilization Capacity of the BPTC.
  • To improve institutional and technical capacity of BPTC to deliver accountable efficient, accessible and professional policing services.
  • To Facilitate and Coordinate Development and implementation of Policies, Regulations and Guidelines.