College Background
The origin of the Administration Police (AP) training is traced back to 1929, when the Tribal Police Ordinance No. 10 was enacted. The enactment of the Tribal Police Ordinance gave legal backing to the Native police and their training taken up by the respective regional agents, (colonial District Commissioners) most of whom had a military training background. During this early period through 1950’s, the Tribal Police (TP) underwent improvements in many aspects, specifically in training, uniform and kitting although they differed from one District to another.
The Colonial District Commissioners were assisted in training Tribal Police Officers by members of Kenya Police and Kings African Rifles within their respective Districts. Largely the uniforms borrowed designs from colonial military regalia with a combination of local culturally respected symbols of authority. Gradually training became mandatory and focused on basic recruits’ instruction, promotional courses and prosecution courses for native courts which were mainly presided over by District commissioners.
The year 1958 witnessed the enactment of the Administration Police Act Chapter 85 Laws of Kenya. This Act strengthened the policing role of the Force and widened its mandate in national security, marking a shift from the Tribal Police Ordinance. Centralized training of Administration Police officers was established and the first Administration Police Training School placed at Ruringu in Nyeri District of Central province, where all Administration Police officer were trained before being deployed to all parts of the country.
In 1967, the School was relocated from Nyeri to the present day Jomo Kenyatta International Airport grounds and renamed Administration Police training School – Embakasi and later to its present location paving room for the construction of the Airport in 1972. The school was also up-graded to the status of a College, hence renamed, the Administration Police Training College- Embakasi and later to National Police Embakasi A Campus in the year 2018.
The college has undergone significant positive changes since then, with several review on the training curriculum to meet the recipient demand as well as conform to the internationally accepted standards on democratic policing with elements of respect for human rights and accountability.