Administration Section

The section is headed by Adjutant who oversees the following Support section

  1. Registry
  2. Signals
  3. College Quartermaster
  4. Health Centre
  5. Motor transport
  6. Chaplaincy(Protestant, Catholic & Muslim)
  7. Catering
  8. College Armoury
  9. Welfare

Directorate Of Security Operations

The Directorate of Security Operations is one of the Directorates established within the Administration Police Service for purposes of enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in co-ordination of security operations within the country.

The directorate comprises of Four (4) sections, namely;

  1. Operations
  2. Peace cop
  3. Operational intelligence
  4. Signals and communication


To create synergy and purpose driven delivery of better services on part of its mandate, Operations is charged with the following roles;

  • Coordinating all security operations within the country
  • Planning and integrating community relations programs including community policing and peace-building initiatives etc. to gain and maintain public understanding and goodwill, and to support police operations/establish and maintain a relationship between the Administration Police Service and the community.
  • Coordinating with other government agencies in conflict management and peace building
  • Restoring of peace and public order
  • Coordinating counter terrorism and counter-insurgency operations
  • Coordinating field commands and units involved in high level security operations
  • Coordinating border security and reduction of cross border crimes
  • Overseeing specialized stock theft prevention services
  • Provides conflict early warning and intervention
  • Provides crime and conflict mapping analysis
  • Coordinates disaster and emergency responses