
The Rapid Deployment Unit is actively engaged in Operational duties across the Country. The duties we perform range from helping combat cattle rustling, to restoring and preserving peace, from enforcing anti/ counter – terrorism actions to border security and internal security.

The Unit is charged with the responsibility of responding to security threats and other emergencies effectively and at a short notice anywhere in the Country. It is the Administration Police Service main Fighting Unit and its activities are of a tactical offensive nature.

The RDU undertakes emergency response and security operational tasks in spontaneous conflict situations in support of other security agencies on the ground as well as mitigating any insecurity situation that is beyond the agencies’ normal capacity.

Currently the Unit is responsible for combat operations, operational support and short-term executive policing and law enforcement tasks and is capable of more robust police tasks such as crowd control, Specialized VIP protection and close protection of Vital Government Installations, Facilities, Infrastructure and related Strategic locations.